Monday, July 2, 2007


Southside Service Trip was super successful! It was fun we made a lot of progress making the camp nicer and we got closer together. There wasn’t to much trouble except for one kid who was being a tool the whole week but we kept him under control. The focus for the week was Jeremiah 17:7 7-8 "7 But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. 8 He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." It was a pertinent study. I enjoyed the week but I’m starting to dislike the way worship is done here it’s really based in guilt and not very uplifting. We sing Does He Still Feel the Nails over and over. It’s not a happy time and I don’t know why by the way I hate that song (1 Peter 3:18) the answer is no he doesn’t! Any way the kids are pretty cool I don’t think they hate me and I’m trying to be a good example. I wan to help them any way I can.

Quick story:
Its 3 am in a dark cabin in the middle of Wisconsin’s northern jungle. A young man who will remain nameless was spending a week working to better the environment and help the local youth. He, not knowing the horrifying trial he would endure that very night, lay there trying to regain his strength for the next day’s work. In the dark cabin was a group of unsentimental men who were trying to rest as well. First was Bill the smelly, next Daryl the coke addict, also a group of orphaned children laid stretch at their’ feet trying to stay worm in the harsh chill of the Wisconsin summer. In this cabin there was also an unwelcome guest who found his way to the most personal and well guarded fortress in that cabin. Our hero finding that elusive poltergeist known as sleep awakens with fear clutching his frozen heart. Thoughts race through our champion’s head, like “maybe it’s a zit or a mosquito bight,” only to be faced with the harsh realization that he had never heard of such a thing as that on such a place as this. The gallant young man fought the vile vermin. The pest was defeated, but the hero still frightened and bleeding from the battle went to find out if there were to be any repercussion, for his wound was fearsome. He roused Bill the smelly and whispered:
Bill …… Bill
Bill stirred and said in his southern Canadian accent:
What? What is it?
Out hero with fear in his eyes looked at Bill the smelly and replied with trembling voice:
Bill I think there is a tic in my dick. I think I got it out but is there anything ells I need to do to make sure?
Bill Replied:
No man, just make sure the head is out and you should be good.
Bill rolled over and returned to his rest. Our hero found his way back to his bed and returned to sleep victorious!

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