Friday, December 5, 2008
I miss Colorado so much and I miss my friends there even more. I want to go home and see the mountains every day and never think about corn ever again.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Peace of Mind

…What do ya think? The floor plan is rough but I hope to have this up and running in Denver CO by 2010. This is a plan I have been working on for the past two years but I have been a little reserved in telling people because I fear it will crash and burn and I will be a failure. But I’m giving it to God in hope that he will make it better than I could ever dream. The plan is to have this be a homeless outreach center. As you can see in back there is a place to shower, wash clothes and rest and I will hopefully be able to keep food on hand to give out. And in the front of the shop there will be grate coffee and lots of books. I hope to facilitate a peaceful, unthreatening environment ware people who have questions can come and come in contact with people who have knowledge of scripture and have there questions answered. I do not want to be involved in a place that sets traps for potential Christians but rather a place ware the word can fall on fertile soil and God can take over. For this plan to work people with knowledge need to be involved. I hope to have Bible studies here and keep the shop open late into the evening. I know this is not a church but I fear evolving other churches because then their agendas may be in conflict with what I hope to produce. I want to show people Christ and instill a desire to be like him, a Christian; not a Lutheran, Catholic, Apostle of Christ or a Church of Christ Christian, but just a Christian. I want to tell the world about Jesus not about the conflicts within his body. Why should and infant in Christ be forced to take sides or leave? That’s not how Christ would do it. The seed needs to be planted and questions need to be answered but that’s as far as I will go with out God’s prompting. And if a person comes in wanting just a cup of coffee than he or she will get it, it’s up to God for anything ells.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Camp! Camp! Camp! Mike Yankoski! Chillen With Willy! elders meeting...
As I was leaving side door and then loaded up my stuff in my Jeep and headed off to
The next day I got to take my nephew swimming at the public pool and we had a blast! I got some time to read and relax by the way I strongly recommend the book Unchristian. Well I’m sinning off because I now must go to an elders meeting. But this was a good week!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Christians are homophobic and proud.
I’m living in
I can’t see Christ sitting on the side of the road joking with his followers about someone being poor, a prostitute, a thief, over weight, a gossip, or a homosexual. These people created in God’s image are loved dearly by him and they are our neighbors. If all we can do to those who have never done us injury, who live among us and only want respect is spew out this vial, hateful filth (out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks) how could we ever love our enemies? Luke 6:27-36 27"But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. 30Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31Do to others as you would have them do to you. 32"If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' love those who love them. 33And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' do that. 34And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' lend to 'sinners,' expecting to be repaid in full. 35But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. 36Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
These people have never done you harm! Stop hurting them! Stop your judging! Who are you to judge!?! Only God has that right! Be like Christ! And Stop taking his name if you wont fallow his teachings!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
If something isn’t special is it worth having? Some say yes, I think they are wrong. This is a blog, and not a good one, so I won’t support my opinion I’ll just state it.
Being special provides a basis for value of an object, and how special dictate that value. There are things today being passed off as special that are not, American Idol, Hannah Montana, Scions, Mrs. Clinton , Obama, and who ever the Republican is (side note: we defiantly won’t even care about at least two of these people in five years).
Something was said that got me thinking today “… it wasn’t even special… well, it was to… but not to…” now this is all it took to get me thinking about what should be special and being the Bible major I am I know the “right” answer: snowflakes.
Snowflakes are special and each one unique therefore is uniqueness a factor in how special an object is? Yes, unless you flood the market, being the resident of Colorado I am, I know if there is too much of that special, unique snow all over the place I have to pay someone to get rid of it, or, God forbid, I have to get rid of it myself. This snow being unique is supposed to be related to people being unique, because you can’t find to people who are exactly the same therefore we are all unique ergo special. (side note: if you ever use this comparison smack the kid who says “What about twins?” it knows the answer but it just wants to make you look stupid, then say “Only stupid people ask stupid questions.”)
So, back to my stupid question, “what is ‘special’?” the concept not things. Special equals value, uniqueness, availability, and I want to suppose individual perception. While watching the Simpsons I had an epiphany, as I often do. Homer and Bart start a coin collection and they only need one coin to complete it and try as they might, they can not find it. So, they go to an auction to find this rare penny, and they find themselves caught in a bidding war with the heartless, old miser Mr. Burns. Homer quickly tries to frighten off all other bidders by offering the astronomical sum of five dollars “cash” but in the end they are out done by the maniacal, ripened codgers bid of ten million dollars. Beaten and humble Homer approaches Burns’ limousine and begs for this coin so he can bring joy and a sense of accomplishment to his son. To this Burns laughs diabolically as if to scorn Homer’s selflessness and sacrifice, but before his triumphant exit Homer asks Burns if he has change for a nickel. Burns snatches the nickel, drops some change out the window and returns to his laughter as he speeds away boasting to Smithers of his shrewdness because he only gave that chump fore cents for his nickel, not realizing the mistake he had made until to late.
Mr. Burns gained one cent in this transaction but by doing so he lost nine million, nine hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred ninety nine dollars and ninety nine cents of his net worth. Not a smart move by any standard but his perception of that little peace of copper in a hasty moment was practically valueless, and he lost something extremely special.
Individual perception does not dictate value things are valuable whether one is aware or not. In contrast the opposite is also true some people think things are special even though they have no value, this is not always bad but sometimes it is pointless to society, but who cares about society? Well, I don’t, you might not, I don’t think she does, but he might, I know it doesn’t, but I think we should.
In summation special is personal but if something is special don’t mess it up, because someone ells will come along and be upset about your lack of respect. Hmmm… now I think everything is special in it’s own way and that’s a little to optimistic for me but still sad because if everything is special nothing is. I think I’m okay with not understanding this because I still know some things are worthless, common and unexciting so I still have hope of finding something special.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The American past is riddled with shameful unjustifiable evils such as slavery, witch burning, and prohibition. This is said in jest, but the fact is this evil, or wrong doing, is always in the eye of the beholder so only the individual can decide what is right and wrong. We can be certain someone supported slavery at some point in history, and witch burnings must have been unpopular with at least one of the parties involved. So, pleasing everyone never works and when you try to, it only undermines your social and political career.
As for capital punishment, we must examine the different perspectives. One perspective being, society should not be responsible for killing another human being no matter the circumstances. According to the back of a car I once saw, “The solution to overpopulation: CAPITAL PUNISHMENT FOR TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS!” Now I will not argue logic with bumper stickers, but I hope we can agree that this statement, while somewhat comical to the right audience, should never be passed into law.
I am a man who sees the value of moderation and finding a medium so both parties are satisfied if not happy. Some struggles are not simple and putting human beings to death should not be taken lightly.
Some will avidly defend capital punishment by saying that these men and women who are being put to death are not human because a human being would have respect for the lives of others. This argument and others like it I see a weak because to quote Dr. Seuss, “A person's a person, no matter how small.” And I will infer that a person’s a person no matter their past. While reading death row inmate’s last words, some seemed angry and defiant, some clung to innocence and some appeared quite remorseful for their past actions. All of these actions or emotions I have seen displayed by students in my classes when we had all forgotten or had better things to do than the reading for that day. I’m not saying I think slacking on homework and killing someone is the same thing, but these murderers display very human emotions and reactions to different situations. They are still human beings and no one can convince me otherwise.
What of the other arguments like: give those who have suffered injury justice, an eye for an eye and capital punishment is a deterrent for other would-be killers. Two of these arguments I see as fallacies. While giving justice to the injured parties is one of the few arguments that I struggle with logically responding to and still maintaining my position, because if you haven’t figured it out, I am against killing human beings in all forms. My struggle is this; how could I look a father in the eyes and tell him that the man who raped, killed and again raped his ten year old daughter that, “We got him! He is locked up for the rest of his life! Hooray!” No, that father, mother, sister, brother, grandparent, friend, next-door neighbor, anyone who had a relationship with the little girl wants the guilty party’s blood. There are exceptions to this example but what of the ones who do want the guilty party to die? How can society deny them that?
The Apr 27th 2007 edition of The Economist contained an article entitled Here is thy sting here is an excerpt, “Hours after being sentenced to death by a sharia court in Somalia last May, Omar Hussein was publicly executed. He was hooded, tied to a stake and stabbed to death by the 16-year-old son of the man he had admitted stabbing to death three months earlier.” While looking for more on this story, the internet yielded that the boy stabbed Omar Hussein in the chest, neck and head multiple times until Omar Hussein’s death resulted. The 16 year old boy is quoted as saying “I am happy now because I killed the man who killed my father." Sen. Greg L. Adams of the 24th District of Nebraska once asked me this rhetorical question, “Do we kill to deter or because they have violated the most precious thing, life?”
While this churns my stomach, I can’t help but put myself in the shoes of a family member who has lost a loved one to a murderer, while I hope that I would be capable of cutting the ropes from the guilty party’s wrists and say, “I forgive you, go and sin no more,” I don’t know if I could. But I know I can’t judge those in this situation because I can’t imagine their pain no matter how hard I try.
The other two dominant arguments, an eye for an eye and capital punishment is a deterrent for other would-be killers, seem to me to be logical fallacies. People who quote the Bible and say an eye for an eye are ignoring and in direct conflict with scripture, Matthew 5:38-39 “You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” This can be argued, but to me as an individual, to my understanding the intent of Christ’s words here is that an eye for an eye is not the rule for his followers, but mercy and love for all.
Now, to capital punishment as a deterrent for other would be-killers. I have difficulty believing that killing is the best way to stop killing. It may be effective, but is it the best way? I do understand that if I were to premeditate a murder, I would take the consequences into consideration, but I do not think of death penalty as any less desirable than life in prison. Neither one is something I would want. So, why is life in prison and having all of your rights taken away not enough? I believe it is.
The worst pro capital punishment argument I have ever heard is this: “Why should we let them live in prison and make the taxpayer support them when we could just kill them?” I attribute this quote to another student in class but will not give the name out of respect because I am about to be quite impolite. For even taking this position you are no better than a murder in my mind! I checked several prison websites and found that the cost of keeping an inmate in prison for one day is between $2.50 and $40.00 depending on the creativity of the warden. When did a human life become less valuable than $40.00?
Capital punishment is becoming less and less prevalent as time passes and there seems to be a trend of world nations abolishing it. America, however, is still holding on to it and some Americans are even holding on to it with pride. Some states have stopped using the death penalty and I, for one, hope the death penalty will be abolished sometime in the near future. I don’t know when and I don’t know how, but I do know time’s are changing.
As I said earlier, evil is in the eye if the beholder and I must appeal to the higher power, I am a Bible Major after all. I say that the only eyes and beholder who should be able to set the standards for mankind is God and he did with his son Jesus and the standard is love.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
“Well I think God is a woman!” a tidbit from an overheard conversation after service one Sunday evening. Everyone within earshot got real quiet, looked, and quickly went back to their own conversations. A married, middle aged, mother of two was speaking with the minister and made this statement very matter-of-factly, and a bit louder than the norm, and now she looked on waiting for the response. This statement to some could be enraging, while others may agree with it. There are examples of God as a maternal figure in scripture but few in the Church of Christ would say God is a woman. This writer would not say God is a woman but if pushed he would not say God is a man either.
Why is this important? This is this important because, Christians have fractured on the roles of the sexes, or genders. The reason this woman was saying this is because she was feeling unnecessary in the Church and frustrated about the attitude of the men in the church. At this point is when this writer’s opinions began to form and values were questioned. Men sometimes feel more important than women and it obviously shows, but where does this attitude come from?
Christians have struggled with the issue of women’s roles in church for a very, very long time[1]. For almost two thousand years man and womankind have been trying to find woman a place in the assembly. This paper is written with the intention of making all things pertaining to woman and The Church clear. This goal is completely impossible, and that is understood, but if one shoots high enough something good may come of it.
Churches, like many institutions, have a history of trial and error. Christians tend to take things too far or not far enough. To illustrate this point, The Lords Supper, Communion or The Holy Eucharist, was a meal that the disciples were eating with Jesus, but in one of Paul’s epistles,[2] it was becoming a time when the rich were gorging, getting drunk and basically having a party, but today[3] it is a time of somber silence ware there is little food and even less fellowship/unity. “The purpose of the communal agape is not to satisfy hunger but to share a sense of unity by sitting around a table and sharing a meal together.[4]” Christians can never seem to find that line where freedom and God meet. This is not said to defame the church but just as an example of how an institution of human beings is prone to be flawed, and will rarely do anything except in extremes.
That being said one now must look at the problem at hand and try to avoid extremes. What is the problem? One answer might be, “People in the church are trying to change what God intended and empower women,” another answer could sound like this, “People in the church are stuck in an outdated, sexist mindset and need to get with the times.” Who is right? Neither one is correct, as far as this writer is concerned. Women are in the top two sexes on this planet and make up a large percent of the most intelligent forms of life, there are exceptions but they will not be discussed now. Dr. Frank Wheeler put it best when he said; “The value of women’s discipleship and influence has been tremendously overlooked.[5]”
There is a line, and to this writer’s understanding, the women addressed in 1 Corinthians 14:34 crossed it, and the line was, again according to this writer’s understanding, disrupting worship. In context the passage is addressing disruptions or orderliness not women. In their culture, mainly the Jewish members, it was inappropriate for women to speak. So, going from a culture ware women were the reason sin is in the world, and there for looked down upon, to a new culture where sin no longer separates humans from God and all can be forgiven through the blood of Christ, must have been shocking, to say the least. So Paul appeals to the Law to settle this matter, but Christians are free from the law of sin and death, so, do women need to keep silent if it is not a disruption to orderly worship?
To answer this question lets take a look at what Dr. Carroll D. Osburn says about it:
“women in the Corinthian congregation are praying and prophesying in the assembly in 11:2-16. In 14:34-35, some women are speaking in an instructional setting. The commonality shared by the two texts is not ‘women speaking in public,’ but women evidencing disrespect for others, decorum, and propriety, and thus contributing to chaos and disruption. The women in chap. 11are flouting commonly-accepted cultural norms, with resultant disrespect to their husbands; the women in chap. 14 are impending instruction by incessant questioning. The latter are told in no uncertain terms to “Pipe down!” The former while praying and/or prophesying in public worship, should do so in a manner that would not disgrace or dishonor their husbands.[6]”
Scripture is not a checklist on how to conduct a worship service; it is however full of commands and examples on how one should live a life that pleases God. How can one please God? Well among many other things being a servant pleases God. In Mathew 23 Jesus speaks to “the crowds and to his disciples[7]” and begins by speaking about the teachers of the law and the Pharisees. He explains that they are acting hypocritically, by telling men what to do but then not doing it themselves. Everything they did was for their glory not for God’s. Then Christ goes on to tell them not to go by titles such as Rabi, father or teacher. Then he explains why in verse twelve, “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.[8]” God does not want pompous leaders, he desires humble servants.
In John 12 one can see Christ at a moment of emotional pain, he is told by Andrew and Philip that there are some Greeks who want to see him. Jesus predicts his death and then announces in John 12:26 that, “Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.[9]” Now we can see the reward for the service of Christ, and the reward is; being honored by thy Father. Is there anything greater? This writer would suggest that there is not.
Here is a fact; there are women in the church who are serving Christ and therefore they will receive honor from God, but are they serving to the full potential witch scripture allows? This writer will assert his opinion, and say, that they are being held to a standard that has over stepped the example set forth in scripture. Christians are called to be servants, not rabbis, teachers, preachers, deacons, elders, bishops, fathers, popes, song leaders, family ministers or any other titles that man can create an office for. Christians are to be servants and if someone serves in one of these capacities so be it. Can a woman be a servant in the same capacity as a man? Yes, as long as it does not disrupt the orderliness of the worship of God, do damage to name of Christ or violate scripture.
There are many examples of women fulfilling several servant roles in scripture[10]. These women, to this writers understanding, will be rewarded by God for their service of Christ. There are, in these references, examples of women giving/supporting the work of Christ, prophesying, being fellow workers with the apostle Paul, teaching men, being servants of the church, and preaching the gospel to men.
Freedom and God, examples of women leading, serving and obeying God’s will have all been examined, but there are also examples of women going to far. Where is that elusive line of freedom overstepping obedience? Is it ware most Christians have drawn it? This writer hopes not. Robert J. Banks discuses some of the “Restrictions Placed upon Women by Paul[11],” but most of the restrictions seem to pertain to submission, not silence
How can women serve God and not disrupt the assembly? Romans 14 is literally a Godsend for many divisive issues in the church, and there are many applicable principals in this passage. This writer has difficulty accepting that this passage is just about food. Paul uses something trivial[12] such as food, to explain principals that should be lived by today. Romans 14:1-2 says, “1 Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. 2 One man's faith allows him to eat everything,” or listen to a woman speak in the assembly (or speak in the assembly if one is a woman), “but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables.” or will not listen to a woman in the assembly (or will not speak in the assembly if one is of the fairer sex). Christians can’t look down on one another. The argument could be used ether way to say who is stronger or weaker but in the end neither is to judge or put stumbling blocks in front of the other[13].
So if faith or lack of faith allows someone to let a woman speak to or teach a man, but it causes another to stumble it should not happen. On the other hand, if someone’s faith or lack of faith dictates that women should keep silent but it causes a brother to stumble should he/she not also do what Romans 14:19 says[14]? This writer is unsure, but assumes both should hold to the same standard.
Back to the issue at hand “The value of women’s discipleship and influence has been tremendously overlooked.[15]” Now it must be said that Sunday morning between ten and eleven fifteen am is not the best time to observe many Christians serving Christ. One can often observe the similarities between what is done and what teachers of the law and the Pharisees were doing in Matthew 23. Women usually keep silent while the men are straining out gnats but swallowing camels[16]. Each church, and individual must decide what their faith dictates on the roles of women, but we must be prepared to make an educated decision. Making this decision with out the relative facts, references and examples is madness and folly. But, judging the servants of God is not this writer’s place or the place of any but God[17].
Finally is changing the way the church overlooks the value of women necessary? It is, if the church desires the more excellent way, and that is love[18]. Lynn Anderson explains why change is necessary and the cost in his book, Navigating the Winds of Change, he says, “Change is costly, yes. But God and the people who matter to him are worth it[19].
Anderson, Lynn. Navigating the Winds of Change. West Monroe: Howard Publishing CO.1994, 44.
Banks, Robert J., Paul’s Idea of Community: The Early House Churches in their Cultural
Setting Homebush: Anzea Publishers, 1979; reprinted, Peabody: Hendrickson
Publishers, 2007, 120. (page citations are to the reprinted edition)
The Bible (New International Version).
McRay, John. Paul. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2003. 396.
Osburn, Dr. Carroll D. ed. Essays On Women In Earliest Christianity, vol. 2. Women in the Gospel of John, by Dr. Frank Wheeler. Joplin: College Press Publishing Company, 1995. 224.
Osburn, Dr. Carroll D. ed. Essays On Women In Earliest Christianity, vol. 2. 1 Cor 11:2-16 – Public or Private?, by Dr. Carroll D. Osburn. Joplin: College Press Publishing Company, 1995. 316.
[1] 1 Corinthians 14:34 for example shows one of the first times in scripture the issue rears its head.
[2] 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
[3] Sunday, March 9, 2008
[4] John McRay, Paul. (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2003) 396.
[5] Dr. Carroll D. Osburn, ed. Essays On Women In Earliest Christianity, vol. 2. Women in the Gospel of John, by Dr. Frank Wheeler (Joplin: College Press Publishing Company, 1995) 224.
[6] Dr. Carroll D. Osburn, ed. Essays On Women In Earliest Christianity, vol. 2. 1 Cor 11:2-16 – Public or Private?, by Dr. Carroll D. Osburn (Joplin: College Press Publishing Company, 1995) 316.
[7] Matthew 23
[8] Matthew 23
[9] John 12
[10] Luke 8:1-3, Acts 21:9, 1 Corinthians 11, Philippians 4:2, Acts 18, Romans 16 and John 20:18
[11] Robert J. Banks, Paul’s Idea of Community: The Early House Churches in their Cultural. (Homebush: Anzea Publishers, 1979; reprinted, Peabody: Hendrickson Publishers, 2007) 120.
[12] In the eyes of Christians today
[13] I hope I have not done this passage damage by misrepresenting its message and if I am in error pleas show me.
[14] “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.”
[15] (Wheeler 1995, 224)
[16] Paraphrase/application of Matthew 23:24
[17] Romans 14:4 Who are you to judge someone else's servant? (NIV)
[18] 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:3
[19] Lynn Anderson, Navigating the Winds of Change. 44
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
I miss all my friends Illy, Ben, Rebecka, and Mandy! I'll see you soon.
Monday, March 3, 2008
my sentiments
Classes are getting a little tough but I have to stay with it. I have to get good grades this semester or I may be on the streets a little prematurely. I’m hungry, broke and a little sick of the drama but I’m closing myself off to it as much as possible, soon I will be that guy who talks to no one does my homework right after class and then sits alone in the dark until its time to go to class again.